september 12-13, 2025
orlando, fl
Grand Bohemian Hotel

Exhibitor & Sponsorship Information

We Invite you to Exhibit & Sponsor the Collaborative Care Summit

Email BCIMGT  to request conference prospectus at contact@bcimgt.com

On behalf of Diversity in Dermatology (DID) it is our honor to invite you to be a part of the Collaborative Care Summit 2025 to be held September 12 – 13, 2025 at the Grand Bohemian Hotel in Orlando, Florida. The Collaborative Care Summit is a mission-based conference that is designed to meet the needs and gaps of the dermatology community and sister specialties by offering a specialized approach to education, focusing on how dermatology disease states have significant links to systemic inflammation, comorbidities, and autoimmune disorders.

The Collaborative Care Summit is a two-day comprehensive medical education program for Healthcare Professionals working in the fields of dermatology, rheumatology, allergy/immunology, and gastroenterology. This multi-sponsored, triple-accredited program has recruited an outstanding faculty of thought leaders to conduct educational sessions that will begin with a deep dive into the medications that overlap in these core specialties from the perspective of each core faculty.

Much of the summit will be focused on challenging patient cases that require more than one specialty of care and understanding the approach to this care from each specialty involved, as well as understanding how to collaborate on care and who will lead the therapy. The summit will end with a section on “What’s on the Horizon”, looking at future indications for medications we are currently utilizing, orphan medications, and new molecular entities. We also have several networking events planned to allow faculty, attendees, and industry partners to collaborate.

Your presence and partnership at this meeting will provide unparalleled access to a multi-specialty healthcare community, as well as showcase your company’s support for collaborative care and our mission to advance patient outcomes. This summit will offer your organization multiple partnership opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you in Orlando for a unique and outstanding event!

For more information, please contact our meeting management group:

BCI Management & Communications, LLC

Exhibit Location, Hours, and Set-Up

Location:  [Location]

Exhibit Registration and Set-up (subject to change):

Thursday, September 11, 2025
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EST

Exhibit Hours:
Friday, September 12, 2025
Exhibit Hall will be open on Friday Morning
Saturday, September 13, 2025
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM EST

Exhibitor Tear Down:
Saturday, September 13, 2025
5:30 PM EST

Grand Bohemian Orlando
325 South Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801

Room Rate:  $239/night

Shipping Packages

Orlando Grand Bohemian
Event Name:  Collaborative Care Summit
Hold for:
(Company Name)
325 South Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801

Exhibitor Packets and Shipping Information will be emailed to each registered company by BCIMGT. Your company must have a pre-paid label if they will be shipping items from the hotel.  Packages may be shipped up to 3 days in advance of the meeting.