Helpful Articles

Member Spotlight
Meet Patricia Delgado, DNP as she discusses her journey to owning her own practice.

The Untapped Potential of Getting Published in Peer-Review Journals
There are several benefits to getting published in peer-review journals as a dermatology physician assistant (PA) and nurse practitioner (NP) that you may not have

Blogging to Boost Your Brand and Business
A blog can boost your business by establishing you as a subject matter expert, boosting your brand, attracting more traffic to your website, increasing your

Protect your most important asset…your income
What would happen if your income stopped because you were too sick or injured to work? Without a paycheck, how long could you pay your

Pay off debt or invest?
The age old question. How much of your income should be going to debt vs investments. Should it be all or nothing? The

Tips For Working Moms – Andrea Brezill
I’ve been a PA for 13 years and the most challenging and rewarding job I’ve had to date is being a mother. But, no one