
Diversity & Cultural Conversation
Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color
Watch Dr. Woolery-Lloyd and Dr. McMichael in these informative videos on Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color.

Diversity & Cultural Conversation
Diversity in Dermoscopy
Learn from Dr. Usatine as he discusses Diversity in Dermoscopy in three informative videos.

Future Endevors
Diversity in Dermatology™ Journal Collaboration
Diversity in Dermatology (DID) is in collaboration with The Dermatologist to give physician assistants and nurse practitioners the opportunity to expand their professional growth, share case studies, articles of interest, and study data in a nationally recognized peer-to-peer journal.
Professional Development
A diverse practitioner can take on a wide range of roles and responsibilities by increasing their knowledge and skills in clinical practice, publishing an article, presenting a CME lecture, running a business, becoming a medical science liaison or medical director, working with industry, and much more.
Interested in Clinical Research
Diversity in Dermatology understands the importance of Clinical Research and is part of our mission to educate PAs and NPs in the science of clinical research , study design, interpretation of study data, and publication of data to give PAs and NPs the opportunity to participate in clinical research.
Learn more about Diversity in Dermatology’s upcoming virtual and live events. Join us for our quarterly Inspire & Empower Hour, RSVP to the 2023 Achieve Program, and get updates on the DID Annual Conference to be held at the Hilton Bonnet Creek in Orlando, Florida.
More content here.
Just keeping this as a placeholder. This might be where we link cross content, but can just be deleted if we decide we don’t need it.